RCA Research Repository
The Royal College of Art has just launched its new Research Repository, featuring its academic research activities since 2008 in the areas of Art, Design and Communication.
Black and White Films

An almanac of black and white films spanning all classic film genres from the 1910s to 1960s is available to watch for free.All films on the website have been copyright-cleared with many able to be legally dowloaded.
Creativity Portal
The Creativity Portal is a joint initiative of Creative Scotland and Education Scotland, and provides up to the minute news on free and subsidised partnership opportunities, workshops, CPD and competitions from creative partners as well as celebrating creative learning across Scotland. It also features a number of videos of artists, designers and practitioners talking about their work.
Moving Image Education
The term 'moving image education' refers to learning and teaching practices which develop moving image media literacy.These practices involve analysing moving image texts, creating them, exploring, appreciating and sharing them, and being discerning about them. This is neatly expressed in the widely accepted '3Cs' of media literacy: the cultural, the critical and the creative. These three aspects have shaped the design of this .http://www.movingimageeducation.org/