Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Update on the World of Arts and Design III

Art Libraries Society UK & Ireland and Tate organised a study day at Tate Britain called “The Archival Impulse:
Artists and Archives” 3 papers based on presentations from the study day have just been published online in the Spring 2008 issue of Tate Papers.
2 audio podcasts are also available.

Link: http://www.tate.org.uk/research/tateresearch/tatepapers/08spring/
Access: Free

Typographic Archives

The Typographic Archives website aims to "preserve valued web contents on typography and history of printing and writing" by archiving the contents of relevant websites that no longer exist. At the time of writing the site includes short biographies of a few of the more famous names in the history of typography, including: William Caxton; Johannes Gutenberg; and William Caslon, as well as a glossary of typographical terms and an excerpt from Beatrice Warde's lecture to the British Typographers' Guild.
Link: http://www.typographia.org/
Access: Free

Analysing Paintings

"Analysing paintings" is an online tutorial that introduces the tools and techniques of formal art analysis. Developed with students of modern languages in mind - who may be taking a module in the visual arts but have no prior knowledge of art analysis - the tutorial is nonetheless suitable for anyone interested in learning more about art.
Divided into clear sections, which allow students to dip in and out of the course as they see fit, the tutorial covers some of the key aspects of form, such as: colour and line; space and perspective; light; composition; portraiture; and medium and support. Examples ranging from medieval to modern works of art are provided throughout (by means of links to external online art galleries), together with guided activities.
Link: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/italian/analysingpaintings.htmAccess: Free

Trigger Happy:

The Inner Life of Videogames

The personal blog of British author Steven Poole gives access to a free PDF version of his book 'Trigger Happy: The Inner Life of Videogames' (Fourth Estate, 2001). This PDF ebook is unrestricted and it includes the full text of the revised 2nd edition. The Web page also links to the full text of an Afterword chapter that was written for the 2004 U.S. edition subtitled "Videogames and the Entertainment Revolution".

Link: http://stevenpoole.net/blog/trigger-happier/
Access: Free

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